Children's animation technopark on the basis of Kalibr JSC handed certificates to the first graduates

Children's animation technopark on the basis of Kalibr JSC handed certificates to the first graduates

The solemn presentation was organised for the first graduates of the children's animation technopark on the basis of Kalibr JSC. All the children finished the course “Basics of 3D -modeling”and  were awarded by special certificates on May 26.

“We are very pleased to work with you,” Kristina Zarubina, head of Technopark Kalibr, greeted the children and their parents. - I am sure that many of you will not stop at what has been accomplished and will continue to develop your skills in the field of computer animation, as well as continue your education in our technopark. The skills that you have mastered in attending events in the children's technology park will be in demand not only in animation, but also in the production of computer games and individual programs for high-tech industrial companies. ”

Graduates presented their work produced under the guidance of teacher Yevgeny Marchenko on the basis of recommendations from the educational partner of Kalibr JSC, ITMO University, and shared their impressions of the course.


Children who completed the full course received certificates indicating the successful completion of 36-hour classes. In the autumn, the first group will continue to study in the next class - on virtual and augmented reality.

The participants of the event were presented the summer program of the children's technopark aimed at the intensive development of skills in the field of virtual and augmented reality. The course, consisting of six two-week intensives, involves developing your own application and project work. The summer program was developed jointly with CyberRussia, a federal educational program that aims to train specialists and create start-ups in the development of computer games using virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies and blockchain technology. The project partners were the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, FRII, and others.

At the end of the solemn part, graduates cut the ribbon at the entrance to the fourth grade of the children's technopark - the motion-capture laboratory. The unique space, equipped with professional motion capture cameras, is organized specifically for children and involves learning basic skills in creating the most modern cartoons. The program of activities of this course includes master classes in acting, which are necessary for the child in order to convey human traits to the character on the screen.

Preparation for the summer season in the children's technopark on the basis of Kalibr JSC also included the open door day for school 1518 - there will be an open excursion and master classes from leading teachers of the children's technopark. More than 200 children from eight classes visited the site. For senior classes, separate excursions were organized to the production spaces of tenants of Technopark “Kalibr” from different areas - from biotechnology to self-driving cars.


Technopark "Kalibr" was also the official partner of the Kinder MBA project, created to develop schoolchildren of grades 1-11 of business skills, entrepreneurial skills, leadership potential and innovative thinking. At the conference, held at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, the winners of the competitive selection of Kinder MBA projects were awarded certificates for training in the children's animation technopark on the basis of Kalibr JSC.


Thu, 05/31/2018 - 13:11
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