Children's animation technopark on the basis of Kalibr JSC is presented within the framework of the Moscow day of career

Children's animation technopark on the basis of Kalibr JSC is presented within the framework of the Moscow day of career

Children's animation Technopark on the basis of Kalibr JSC was presented in a large-scale event for the schoolchildren and entrants - the Moscow day of career  which took place on February 17 in the 57th pavilion of VDNH.


During the day, three master-classes were presented: computer animation in augmented and virtual reality, 3D modeling for 3D printing and designing of racing boats on solar batteries.

The Technopark "Kalibr" booth was visited by more than 1,000 senior pupils, each of whom chose the most interesting direction for themselves, trying on the glasses of augmented reality or observing how a model simulated by him appeared on the 3D printer in a few minutes .


Head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow Alexey Fursin highly appreciated the interest of children in the  areas of the children's technopark by visiting the stand of Kalibr JSC .

"Children's technoparks are aimed at the integration of engineering training of high school students and college students from the age of 13. Their listeners are engaged in innovative programs that are developed in conjunction with industrial partners - high-tech enterprises and leading universities of the capital, "said Alexei Fursin.


In the children's technoparks, the necessary conditions are created for the students to be able to obtain modern knowledge, skills and abilities on the basis of the design method of preparation, and also to make a conscious choice of the future profession.

In total, 12 children's technoparks are located in Moscow, ten of which were opened last year. Annually more than 35 thousand people can study there. Deferred employment contracts will be concluded with graduates. 

You can sign up for classes at the site (section "Education" - "Children's technoparks").

Tue, 02/20/2018 - 10:39
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